Tenga Philippines

TENGA UNI [Sex Toy for Everyone]


"UNIsex & UNIversal, for You and I.

Pleasure designed for everyone.

Free to play in your own unique way.

Pleasure designed for everyone.

A new generation of universal pleasure items,

breaking the barriers of sexuality,

regardless of gender, used solo or partnered,

Enjoy your pleasure lifestyle with fun and freedom!

Unisex pleasure item for everyone to enjoy!"

EMERALD - Stimulation that goes beyond a big step cut. You can enjoy the stimulation of overcoming the large step details that are connected horizontally.

DIAMOND - The delicate pyramid cut stimulates stroking. The fine, evenly arranged pyramid details allow you to enjoy delicate stroking stimulation.

TOPAZ - The Stimulation of a series of round cuts. The round details all over the surface give you the sensation of rolling and popping.

AMETHYST - Stimulation wrapped in overlapping square cuts. You can enjoy the stimulation of being wrapped and sucked by the square details with overlapping sizes.

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